Intended to design DOEs with analytically specified phase functions;
developed in 1994

Developed: DĪL. Adopted in 5 foreign firms and institutions

  1. Menu of functions for DOE design
  2. Menu of functions for DOE simulation
  3. Input parameters
  4. Menu of functions for file convertion and file viewing
  5. Visualization of calculated DOE phase function
  6. Visualization parameters

    Promotion Quick-DOE: FIAT (Italy) -concern FIAT (four upgrades);
    BIFO (Germany, Berlin) - Berliner Institut fur physikalishe Optik;
    IAO (Jena, Germany) - Institut fur angewandte Optik (two upgrades);
    IPHT (Jena, Germany) - Institut of Physics of High Techologies;
    By agreement with Novosibirsk Institute of Automatics and Electronimetry the Quick-DOE will be marleeted in package with a photoplotter.

Doskolovich L.L., Golub M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khramov A.G., Pavelyev V.S., Seraphimovich P.G., Soifer V.A., Volotovsky S.G., Software on diffractive optics and computer generated holograms. Proceedings SPIE 2363 (1995), 278-284.