Anton Gennadyevich Nalimov (b. 1980)



Finished Samara State Aerospace University in February, 2003. Entered in postgraduate study in 2003 on speciality 05.13.18 “Mathematical modeling and program complexes”, finished it in 2006 with speciality 01.04.05 “Optics”. Nalimov A.G. works on technical cybernetics department in SSAU as an associate professor, works as a scientist in Image processing systems institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Candidate in physics and mathematics, coauthor of 75 papers and 3 patents.

Scientific interests:
Sharp focusing of light, X-Ray optics, waveguide coupling, calculation of optics for LED, calculation of backlit systems.

Main works:

  1. Kotlyar, V.V. Analytical expression for radiation forces on a dielectric cylinder illuminated by a cylindrical Gaussian beam / V.V. Kotlyar, A.G. Nalimov // Opt. Express, 2006. - Vol. 14. - No. 13. - P. 6316-6321.
  2. Kotlyar, V.V. Calculating the pressure force of the non-paraxial cylindrical  Gaussian beam exerted upon a homogeneous circular-shaped cylinder / V.V. Kotlyar, A.G. Nalimov // J. Mod. Opt, 2006. Vol. 53. - No. 13. – P. 1829-1844.
  3. Kotlyar, V.V. Planar Gradient Hyperbolic Secant Lens for Subwavelength Focusing and Superresolution Imaging / V.V. Kotlyar, A.A. Kovalev, A.G. Nalimov // Optics, 2012. - V. 1, No. 1. - P. 1–10.
  4. Kotlyar, V.V. An asymmetric optical vortex generated by a spiral refractive plate / V.V. Kotlyar, A.A. Kovalev, S.S. Stafeev, A.G. Nalimov // J. Opt., 2013. - V. 15, N. 2. - P. 025712.
  5. Kotlyar, V.V. Propagation of hypergeometric laser beams in a medium with a parabolic refractive index / Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Nalimov A.G. // J. Opt., 2013. - V. 15. - P. 125706 (10)
  6. Kotlyar, V.V. Hyperbolic secant slit lens for subwavelength focusing of light / V.V. Kotlyar, A.G. Nalimov // Opt. Letters, 2013. - V. 38, No. 15. - P. 2702-2704
  7. Kotlyar V.V. Sharp focus light simulation in a planar gradient secant lens / / Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Nalimov A.G. // Opt. Engineering, 2013. - V. 52, No. 9. - P. 091705
  8. Kotlyar V.V. An asymmetric optical vortex generated by a spiral refractive plate / V.V. Kotlyar, A.A. Kovalev, A.G. Nalimov, S.S. Stafeev // J. Opt., 2013. - V. 15, N. 2. - P. 025712 (8 pp)

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