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PRIA-5-2000: The main topics of interests

1. Mathematical Theory of Pattern Recognition
2. Mathematical Theory of Image Processing, Analysis, Recognition and Understanding
3. Mathematical Theory of Speech Processing, Analysis, Recognition and Understanding
4. Models, Methods and Tools to Represent the Initial Data for Pattern Recognition, Image and Signal Analysis
5. Automatization of Selection of Algorithms for Solution Pattern Recognition, Image, Speech and Signal Analysis and Understanding Problems
6. Automatization of Development, Testing and Adaptation of Information Technologies for Pattern Recognition, Image, Speech and Signal Analysis and Understanding
7. Software and Information Technologies for Analysis and Estimation of Data, Represented as Images and Signals
8. Databases and Knowledge Bases for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
9. Special-purpose Architecture, Software and Hardware Tools to Support Information Technologies for Pattern Recognition, Image, Speech and Signal Processing and Analysis
10. Neural Networks and Methods for Data Processing, Analysis and Interpretation
11. Algorithms, Software and Information Technologies for Geographic and Cartographic Information Systems. GIS Technologies
12. Information Technologies for Biomedical and Biotechnological Systems
13. Computer Vision
14. 3-D analysis and systems
15. Computer Graphics, Visualization and Virtual Reality
16. Optoelectronic Systems for Image and Signal Processing and Analysis
17. Applied Problems