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PRIA-5-2000: Visitors Information

General inforamtion on Samara:
is a common industrial city with rich hisotry. The most picturesque views can be met in old city center - the place where city's authorities are keeping old architect style and outside the city especial in "golden fall" season - end of september.

Currency exchange:
USD are likely accepted in all exchange offices , however you cannot use USA money as legal instrument of payment. The rate is around 27.50-28.00 roubles for one dollar. Also you can exchange German marks and occasionally GB pounds.
Note: Please be careful and convert money only in offices and do not trust people who eagerly suggest you to convert money even at a higher rate.
ATM: There are some ATM's around the city though they are not very common here, so in case of going shopping in Samara you should have cash with you to pay for your purchase. Some ATM's accept VISA cards , rarely MasterCard. Travel checks can be converted into roubles in Alpha-Bank (the same building with IPSI - also ATM can be found here).

Can be both severe and pretty mild as well , so please check the Yahoo weather link to Samara. In case of rainy and cold weather take some warm clothes and shoes with you.

1.Air flights information.
2.Map of Samara.
3.Weather in Samara.