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Guide for Authors


Scientific Program


TC16 Meeting

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General Information
for Participants

PRIA-5-2000: Guidelines for Authors

1. Submit in English by e-mail and 2 hard copies by mail an extended abstract of paper.
2. Submit in English by e-mail and 2 hard copies by mail an extended abstract of exhibit description.
3. Maximum length is 5 pages A4.
4. Extended abstract includes summary (no more than 10 lines),
introduction, problem statement, approach and techniques, results, example, interpretation, conclusion, references.
5. Text is printed in one column using Times New Roman font, size
12, single spacing.
6. Margins size: top and bottom - 2.54 cm, right and left - 3.17.
7. Main Heading is printed in bold capitals, font size 14, no Hyphenation. Below (separated by 1.0 space) are names of the authors. They are printed in bold, font size 12. If the affiliation of the authors are different organizations, put a numerated footnote after each last name. At the bottom of the page these footnotes show mailing and e-mail addresses of the authors. Below (separated by 2.0 space) is the body of an abstract.
8. Subheadings are printed on a separate line with bold font 12,
centered, and separated from the text by 1.0 space above and below.
9. Figures are inserted in the text near the place of their first
mentioning. Figures and tables are numerated through the text.
Single figures and tables are not numerated.
10.Figure captions are centered by the figure width and printed by
normal font size 10. Table number and heading are printed above
the table with font size 12.
11.Formulas are printed in separate lines, and centered. Formula
number is put in round brackets and lined by the right margin.
12.References in the text are numerated with Arabic figures in
square brackets. Reference list is printed with font size 10.
13.MS Word is accepted in any version.
14.Extended abstracts of paper and exhibit should be submitted to (PRIA-5-2000 Local Secretariat, Samara).
15.You can download samlpe files here :

- in RTF format.
- in MSWord 6.0 format
- in MSWord 97 format